National Congress Standing Orders

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Official Party Document
The veracity of this document is ensured by the National Council and editing of this page is limited to members of the National Council.

General rules

  1. Do not interrupt the Chairs or other speakers, unless raising a vote of no confidence against a Chair.
  2. The National Council will appoint two Chairs before business begins, one to chair the National Congress generally, and another to act on behalf of remote participants.
  3. The National Council will appoint at least one person to take minutes of the National Congress before business begins.
  4. If you wish to speak, draw attention to the Chair by raising your hand.
  5. Upon acknowledgement of the chair, move to a microphone before you begin speaking.

Remote participants

  1. Begin statements in IRC with the Remote Chair's IRC name.
  2. Follow this with the action, such as "MOTION", "QUESTION", or "COMMENT"
  3. The remote chair will then read this out at an appropriate juncture.


  1. Nominations for electable positions must be made by the start of business on the second day of Congress.
  2. Nominees will be given the opportunity to present their nominations on the second day of Congress.
  3. Nominees may only present their nominations once, regardless of the number of positions for which they have nominated.

Announcing motions

  1. Motions to amend the platform or policies (including introducing new policies)
    1. must be announced in writing at least two (2) days prior to the National Congress, and
    2. may not be proposed on the floor.
  2. New policies or platform amendment proposals must be accompanied by a statement that discusses why and how the amendment is in line with the Party Principles as defined in Part I of the Party Constitution.

Announced motions

  1. Announced motions will be presented by or on behalf of the person who has submitted it to the National Congress.
  2. Questions may be asked regarding the motion according to a speaking order determined by the chair.
  3. Comments may not be made until after amendments have been proposed.
  4. Amendments may be proposed in the form of a motion to amend to the current motion.
  5. Individuals may speak for or against the motion according to a speaking order determined by the chair.
  6. The National Council may opt to make remarks.
  7. A simple majority vote of those present is required for the motion to be carried and placed to a final online vote of the members.


  1. A member may motion to amend another motion.
  2. The person presenting a motion may agree to a proposed amendment unless the motion is
    1. a constitutional amendment proposal, or
    2. presented by or on behalf of the Policy Development Committee.
  3. A simple majority vote of those present is required for a motion to amend to be carried if it
    1. is not agreed to by the person presenting the motion, or
    2. relates to a constitutional amendment proposal, or
    3. is presented by on or behalf of the Policy Development Committee.
  4. Once amendments have been agreed to or voted upon the motion as amended may continue to be debated.


  1. A member may motion to place another motion in a committee.
  2. A simple majority vote of those present is required for a motion to commit to be carried.
  3. If placed in a committee, a motion may not be reintroduced until the committee reports.


  1. A member may motion to table another motion for later discussion at the meeting.
  2. A simple majority vote of those present required for a motion to table to be carried.
  3. If tabled, a motion may not be reintroduced until the time specified in the motion to table.


  1. A member may motion to postpone another motion indefinitely.
  2. A simple majority vote of those present is required for a motion to postpone to be carried.
  3. If postponed, a motion may not be reintroduced at that meeting.

Floor motions

  1. Floor motions must be presented after all announced business has been completed, unless leave is granted by the Chair.
  2. In all other regards, floor motions are treated the same as announced motions.

Procedural motions

  1. Procedural motions may be made at any time, except during discussion of other motions.
  2. Procedural motions relate to the running of the Congress including
    1. motioning for recesses (such as a lunch break),
    2. dismissing the Chair,
    3. adjusting the environment of the room,
    4. modifying the standing orders,
    5. adjourning the meeting.
  3. A person who has presented a motion may make procedural motion to discard the result of a previous successful vote and immediately reintroduce the motion.
  4. A simple majority vote of those present is required for a procedural motion to be carried.